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Prerequisites to run revaluation scripts

These first steps are generic for any R projects - chose/create a directory for the project. This example is based on RStudio Desktop, a featured IDE for R. It is not required to use RStudio, alternative IDEs can be used to reproduce this example.

R and RStudio

Rtools (on Windows only)

Required packages

RStudio Project

Assuming R and RStudio are already installed, follow the standard steps to create RStudio project (from menu: File / New Project..). Choose new or existing directory.

Choose New Project.

Write the name of the directory (ODPP in this example).

R Markdown File

In the created project, use menu to add new R Markdown file (alternatives: Quatro Document, R Notebook, or R Script).
Clean the example script after the yaml header.

Use the Rmd-document menu to insert R code chunk.

(Optionally) write the chunk name after r (install in our case) and add knitr parameters/options after coma. Option eval = FALSE will indicate that the chunk will not be evaluated/executed when the whole file is sourced.

Add the revaluation package installation script.

# run once to (re-)install, then comment (Ctrl+Shift+C)

Run the line (Ctrl+Enter, see Run menu on the top of the Rmd file). This will install the revaluation library from GitHub. DONE (revaluation) in the Console indicates that the installation is successful.

Customisation (optional)

After first installation of RStudio, it is recommended to adjust some default settings and (optionally) customize the IDE layout and the theme.
From menu use Tools/Global Options.. to access RStudio glogal options.

It is recommended to chose to do not automatically save and load the workspace after restart as shown below. This feature is confusing for new users and completely unnecessary.

(Optional) use Pane Layout option to customize the locations of different screens. In this example the script editor (Source - top left quadrant) is combined with some rarely used items (Connections and History) to reserve the whole left side of the window for the script editing.

(Optional) chose the Editor theme.

Another suggested customization is regarding the process of evaluation of Rmd-files. By default, the preview is In Window and outputs from chunks are Inline. This makes the experience of working with Rmd files in RStudio similar to Jupiter notebooks, but also makes big projects “slow” and “heavy”. The settings below redirects the output to console and viewer panel.

Modeling libraryes, datasets, and software




GAMS (optional)

GLPK (optional)

Python & Pyomo (optional)

Julia & JuMP (optional)

